We asked meteorologist Reinier van den Berg

It’s not the question IF the Netherlands will be flooded by the sea, but WHEN this will happen. This statement was made by one of the most famous weathermen in the country: Reinier van den Berg. Or 'former' weatherman we should say, because Reinier decided to be an entrepreneur and do something against climate change.


This video is presented by Leonore Anne van Til. She has a Master of Arts, International Relations, Leiden University, and is currently working as a projectmanager for the Department of Home Affairs in The Hague.

This video is adopted by New Energy TV, a producer of video's about sustainable energy and circular economy solutions for the European market. New Energy TV has a reputation of making basic and affordable movies by a one-mans-band. Invite us and let us take care of your next video report. We travel by public transport or plug-in car.

• Local and regional impacts of climate change (observation)
• Local and regional efforts to cope with these impacts (adaptation)
• The solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation)

We're looking for really COOL sponsors to adopt our low-budget video projects concerning climate change. Movies about impacts, and movies about actions. As a future sponsor be invited in helping us select appropriate subjects for the corresponding report(s).

Moderated by Cool Down the Planet, CDTP